Gold Coast Doctors
Mermaid Central Medical Clinic’s Practicing Doctors
Practising Doctors
Dr Chris Soo
General Practitioner, MBBS, MMuscsklSportPhysio, BPhty DiplSportMed(IOC), CertEM(ACEM), CWH(RANZCOG), GradCertResMeth, FRACGP
Registration Number: MED0001929516
Speaks English
Dr Soo has lived and trained in Australia and New Zealand his whole life and now calls the Gold Coast his home. Prior to becoming a GP, he dabbled in physician training, worked in specialty obstetrics and gynaecology, mental health, emergency medicine, and skin cancer; and has post-graduate training in these areas. He loves working with both kids and adults and has also worked in aged care and palliative care.
Dr Soo has a sub-speciality in occupational rehabilitation, pre-employment medicals, workplace, and sporting injuries; and holds a Masters of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy, IOC Diploma in Sports Medicine with experience as a doctor and medical manager at the Gold Coast Commonwealth and Rio Olympic Games.
Dr Soo is a doctor whom you can trust to provide excellent medical care for yourself or your whole family.
Areas of interest:
- Chronic disease management
- Diabetes management
- Pregnancy care
- Men’s and women’s health
- Emergency medicine
- Skin cancer Checks
- Cardiovascular health
- Back pain
- Geriatric health
- Immunisations
- Sports medicine
- Shared antenatal care
- Weight loss
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Occupational rehabilitation
Dr Soo’s fees:
- 15 minute Standard Consultation $140.00
- 30 Minute Consultation $280.00
- 45 Minute Consultation $430.00
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